Video system appears to be down but it's just maintenance. Your failed uploads will appear eventually. No need to try and delete the post.
If an account is the cause of you being jammed up in FB/IG jail, this is the place to warn other victims.
">Video system appears to be down but it's just maintenance. Your failed uploads will appear eventually. No need to try and delete the post.
New rules
1: if you have an account on an imitation platform*, it's eligible for cloning.
2: This includes Threads. Instant repossession.
3: If you took the time to update the Blue Bird to a black X, it's eligible for cloning.
4: If you are a claiming to be a "Canadian" corporation supporting america first, it's eligible for cloning.
5: Any supporters of Comic Book villains, are eligible for cloning.
1 : si vous avez un compte sur une plateforme d'imitation*, il est éligible au clonage.
2 : Cela inclut les fils. Reprise de possession instantanée.
3 : Si vous avez pris le temps de mettre à jour l'Oiseau Bleu vers un X noir, il est éligible au clonage.
4 : Si vous prétendez être une société "canadienne" soutenant l'Amérique d'abord, vous pouvez être cloné.
5 : Tous les partisans des méchants de bandes dessinées peuvent être clonés.
1: se si dispone di un account su una piattaforma di imitazione*, questo è idoneo alla clonazione.
2: Questo include Threads. Riappropriazione istantanea.
3: Se vi siete presi il tempo di aggiornare l'uccellino blu in una X nera, è idoneo per la clonazione.
4: Se sostenete di essere una società "canadese" che sostiene l'America prima di tutto, è idoneo alla clonazione.
5: Tutti i sostenitori dei cattivi dei fumetti possono essere clonati.
1: si tienes una cuenta en una plataforma de imitación*, puede ser clonada.
2: Esto incluye Threads. Recuperación instantánea.
3: Si te tomaste el tiempo de actualizar el Pájaro Azul a una X negra, es elegible para clonación.
4: Si afirmas ser una corporación "canadiense" que apoya a América primero, es elegible para clonación.
5: Cualquier partidario de los villanos de los comics, es elegible para la clonación.
*, my , Hive, Twetch, Peepeth, mastodon, SoMee, Minds, MeWe, mym , tribel more
Now that ecosea is just google, who you rolling with now?
The Canadian government, armed with one of the world's most repressive online censorship schemes, announces that all "online streaming services that offer podcasts" must formally register with the government to permit regulatory controls: canada more
SPECIAL TEXT UPDATE: removing the white spaces on either side of the special characters ( *-/!@$~ ), the new texts are as follows
* bold *
The asterisk produces bold text.
Asterisks are not needed around words with a colon:
- strike through -
the hyphens cross out a text.
/ opaque/italic /
the slashes lean your text .
@ is still a handle
$ is still the grift site, ie: $cashapp
~The tilde is a search
! is for mapping !
You are here more
Remider: Ctrl + enter is the hot key for the post button.
This platform hit another all-time high in user-seconds last week
A quick tutorial for the countries outside of the US.
Not sure if we record this in the back up, but message us if you want it imported.
It's time to start stealing back.
we WILL be paying unnecessary travel expenses to required states for necessary pregnancy treatments.