Rusty Holmes
Rusty Holmes

Repeat after me: I don’t want or need validation from anyone but myself. I no longer compare myself to others. I am empowered in who I am. I love how I’m growing & who I’m becoming. I trust my journey. Fuck the haters, users & trolls. I raise my vibration. I own my voice. I thrive in my mother fucking power 🤟🏼🔥🖤 Stay empowered soul fam xxx

PS So excited that my body is strong enough move & dance again, mind is letting go of self judgment/fear, my soul feels free again to rawly self express. I can’t say it enough, never give up on yourself. You are worth fighting for 💥

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    Surround yourself with friends who inspire growth, encourage positive change, have your back through both good & hard times, promote self confidence & empowerment, and provide honesty & unconditional love. Know your worth & remove the toxic fake “friends”, narcissists, naysayers & stealers of energy from your life. If they aren’t providing a positive impact they don’t deserve to share space with you. ✨❤️🤌


    @taylor_munholland more


      NEVER GIVE UP 🤟🏼🤍🔥

      20th procedure under anesthesia in the last 10yrs, hard to believe right?! Let me say strait out with no sugar coating toxic positivity that chronic diseases/pain are a bitch. If you are fighting for your life from a condition please know you are a FUCKING BADASS WARRIOR. As the phoenix rises from the ashes & the lotus blooms from the mud, know that we too are being reborn stronger, blooming more beautiful & living-thriving with EMPOWERMENT!

      I’m unable to share my whole health journey but I’ll do my best to summarize it. I’ve been battling chronic illnesses/pain for as long as I can remember, seeing my first specialist at the age of 7. I have underwent 20 procedures under general anesthesia for endometriosis, ovarian cyst complications, ovarian torsion, appendicitis, removal of a rotting gallbladder, removal of stuck kidney stones, interstitial cystitis-among the 5-10% who have hunners lesions “ulcers”, + nerve blocks to treat pudendal neuralgia. I have also been diagnosed with the following conditions: Dysautonomia, POTS. IBS-C, IBD-ulcerative colitis, Pernicious Anemia, Food Sensitivities, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, & Candidiasis. I have been told by my medical team that I have other conditions but I have asked them not to share with me the names unless there are cures or treatments/therapies which could make a difference that I’m not already doing. I personally believe all these conditions are all interrelated, which is why I use integrative medicine of different therapies, diet/lifestyle changes to help manage & treat these as one collective unit.

      There have been times in my life where I have been completely disabled & needed caregiving by my parents. In my darkest moments due to the severity of pain/sickness I did attempt suicide, which I’m beyond thankful to be here today. I share this to emphasize how awful chronic diseases/pain are & to others fighting know you’re are not alone & please don’t give up for your life matters.

      Thank you to my community of advocates who provide me so much love & support, I’m beyond thankful for you! Massive love & gratitude! KICK CHRONIC ASS!! xxx.

      @taylor_munholland more
