Emely Garcia
Emely Garcia

Wednesday 🍑
Simple workouts but very effective 😛
1st vid : 3x10 in & out jump squats, in the last rep hold for 10 secs
2nd vid : 4x10 wide squats (I didn't realize I had my band on honestly, and I should of gone lower, but up to you if you want to use the resistance band or not 💪🏽 challenge yourself)
3rd vid 4x10 of both single leg deadlift & butterfly thrust 🦋
Did other burnouts throughout my gym sesh, but this is it for now 💖
I know I suck at recording, I promise to get better at it 😭🙈
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Wednesday 🍑
Simple workouts but very effective 😛
1st vid : 3x10 in & out jump squats, in the last rep hold for 10 secs
2nd vid : 4x10 wide squats (I didn’t realize I had my band on honestly, and I should of gone lower, but up to you if you want to use the resistance band or not 💪🏽 challenge yourself)
3rd vid 4x10 of both single leg deadlift & butterfly thrust 🦋
Did other burnouts throughout my gym sesh, but this is it for now 💖
I know I suck at recording, I promise to get better at it 😭🙈<br> @triggaeg