Joe Cullen
Joe Cullen

#rickygervais #richarddawkins #atheism
#rickygervais #richarddawkins #atheist #atheism #comedy #funny #standup #god #religion #christ #christianity #science

This is a clip of the British scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins, quoting the amazing British comedian, actor and atheist Ricky Gervais on science. One brilliant thinker quoting the other... more



    I have to give Bill Hicks full credit for waking me up to how the world really works, and this, his last interview includes the footage which proves the Branch Davidians were murdered at Waco, a Bradley tank with a flamethrower attached.

    This interview was shown on Austin Public Access and has been on Google before, only to be pulled for some spurious reason. If Bill's friend Kevin Booth is still selling this video then please support his good work (along with Alex Jones) exposing the New World Order, but the information Bill puts across in this interview is too important for humanity to be perceived as having "intellectual copyright".

    Bill hardly swears in this interview so there's no reason for it to be removed for obscenity reasons, if it gets pulled again then it's the evilarchy, not his friends, followers or disciples requesting it's removal.

    Please watch, learn and WAKE UP - There IS a war on for our minds... R.I.P. Bill, you're my messiah, Vernon was a false prophet!

     ~https: / from youtu more

      Is My Wife's Recovery A Miracle?

      Is there something miraculous in medical recovery? Patrick in AR experienced his wife having a vision after dying in his arms.

      This clip is from The Atheist Experience, Episode 27.18 for May 7, 2023 with JMike and Doctor Ben

      See the full episode youtube

      Call the show on Sundays 4:30pm-6:00pm CT: 1-512-686-0279 or use your computer to save on long-distance charges: tiny

      ► Atheist Experience merch can be found at: bit

      ► The most up to date Atheist Experience videos can be found by visiting

      Note: We request pronouns as part of the call screening process on our shows, and we display the pronouns our callers provide. If you see a caller with no pronouns indicated, this is because they chose not to provide us with any, and we respect that decision.



      The Atheist Experience is a weekly call-in television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.

      The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

      We define atheism as the lack of belief in gods. This definition also encompasses what most people call agnosticism.


      atheist-community (The Atheist Community of Austin)
      atheist-experience (The Atheist Experience TV Show)


      TheAtheistExperience is the official channel of The Atheist Experience. "The Atheist Experience" is a trademark of the ACA.

      The views and opinions expressed by hosts, guests, or callers are their own and not necessarily representative of the Atheist Community of Austin.

      Opening Theme:
      Shelley Segal "Saved" shelleysegal
      Limited use license by Shelley Segal
      Copyright © 2011 Shelley Segal

      Copyright © 2023 Atheist Community of Austin. All rights reserved. more

        The Atheist Experience 27.14 with Johnny P. Angel and Christy Powell

        00:00 Intro
        04:06 Emmanuel-GA | Coming Out As An Atheist To Parents
        28:38 Wesley-WV | You Hosts Are Witches
        32:24 Mr. Warlight-AK | Proof That Leprechauns Exist
        46:17 Carpe Diem-CO | Distinction Between Virtue And Obligation
        1:01:49 Rick-(CA) | Atheists Are Slowing Scientific Progress
        1:16:39 Chuck-HI | Science Is Just Another Religion
        1:31:56 Sam-NY | Evidence Of Resurrection

        SHOW NOTES
        In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Johnny Angel and Christy Powell will work both sincere calls and trolls.

        First caller is Emmanuel from GA who asks how to come out as an atheist to his parents. It is about setting healthy boundaries. Do you feel like you have to do this? Are the interactions filled with tension? Sharing this part of yourself could make the tensions worse, however, some transparency can be an important step. Make sure your parents know it is about your own beliefs, and not them.

        Wesley in WV thinks that the hosts witches because they do not believe in angels and are sluggish with the holy spirit. We hope that you get the care that you need and are surrounded by loved ones that will help you work out your thoughts on this subject.

        Mr. Warlight in AK has proof in the form of stories that leprechauns exist that wear green suits and hide gold. Where are you getting this folklore from? Is there any evidence beyond the story? Where are they documented to show up and why can’t we see them today? If you aspire to be a troll, bring a better game than this. Do some research.

        Carpe Diem in CO wants to know the distinction between obligation and virtue. If you can do better, then you must do better. If every virtue is imperative then we would wear ourselves out by spending all our time performing virtuous acts. Is there good and evil in the world, or can we step away from these words and look through the eyes of preference?

        Rick in Canada states that atheists are slowing scientific progress. How do you think scientists do their job? Do you think that a scientist sits at their desk and disproves a theory? Did you examine all the evolution? Examine your sources on some of your data points and recognize there are many tiny contributions to this thing we call science.

        Chuck in HI believes science is just another religion that says there is no god. Science is the opposite of religion. Science starts with observation; religion starts with the conclusion and works backward. Science is evolving and religion is holding people back. Science delivers the goods and religion causes us to kill each other.

        Sam in NY has evidence of Jesus performing miracles and resurrecting. Who are the witnesses? There are statements such as the writings of Paul that are not allowed into evidence because they do not meet the hearsay exceptions. Why do we drop the standard of evidence for how we spend eternity? Just because we don’t know something, does not mean there was a supernatural cause. You don’t solve a mystery with a greater mystery. Is there anything you could not believe based on faith?

        Thank you everyone for tuning in folks! The question of the week is: What is a life hack that god does not want you to know about?


        The Atheist Experience is a weekly call-in internet show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.

        Call the show on Sundays 4:30pm-6:00pm CT: 1-512-991-9242 or use your computer 💻 tiny and tell us what you believe and why!

        We request pronouns as part of the call screening process on our shows, and we display the pronouns our callers provide. If you see a caller with no pronouns indicated, this is because they chose not to provide us with any, and we respect that decision.

        atheist-community (The Atheist Community of Austin)

        TheAtheistExperience is the official channel of The Atheist Experience. "The Atheist Experience" is a trademark of the ACA. The views and opinions expressed by hosts, guests, or callers are their own and not necessarily representative of the Atheist Community of Austin.

        Opening Theme:
        Shelley Segal "Saved" shelleysegal
        Limited use license by Shelley Segal
        Copyright © 2011 Shelley Segal

        Copyright © 1997-2023 Atheist Community of Austin. All rights reserved. more

          "If we are the problem, what's the solution?
          I'm sorry I couldn't upload a regular video or animation this month. There were extenuating circumstances, including getting very sick for a long while (not covid). I'm nearly fully recovered as of writing this, so I plan to get back to work in April. Thanks for your patience. I still have much to say, and I didn't want to leave March without any content whatsoever (I always upload at least once a month), so I prepared this audio-only speech that expresses a lot of things I wanted to say. I hope it finds you well and interests you for at least its 20-minute length. Thanks, everyone!"

            Is Religion Actually Child Abuse? (My Story) Recovering from Religious Trauma Syndrome 🔥

            I suffer from religious trauma syndrome. The damage that religion does to the mind is no joke and leaving religion is a reality shattering experience. It's time to remove the stigma around speaking out against religious fundamentalism so the world can know how corrosive it is. For me, it was Christianity, but this extends to almost all forms of fundamentalism.

            To all those recovering from religion, know that you are not alone. Share your story and speak up because the more we spread awareness the quicker we can end this cycle of religious abuse and trauma.

            #religioustraumasyndrome #leavingreligion #religion