Free wi-fi. 😯
*Craig Clark:*
Craig Clark added a new photo.
Mostafa Ezzo is an Air Canada pilot flying out of Montreal.
Pictured in thread:
- Ezzo pointing out Hitler would be proud of Israel
- F*ck your Israeli Burn in Hell
- Keep the World Clean (and trash Israel)
- Enzo's biography
NO JEW would feel safe flying with this antisemite.
2:00 PM · Oct 10, 2023 more
The problem with Loblaws is not so much their profits it's that we have garbage competition laws in Canada and are in a race to the bottom to create a monopolies where all the food sold to you is by one company pretending to be 50. #nwtpoli t
@RylundJohnson more
Dan MacDonald
Has anyone seen this policy at any hotels yet? Someone at a hotel in Florida posted a photo of the mini-bar fridge in their room. And a sign on it said they'd automatically be charged $50 if they put any of their OWN stuff in it. WHAT?! #YQG
7:07 AM · Jan 17, 2023 more
When politicians try to convince you that the grocery store clerk making $20/hr is the cause of inflation instead of Galen Weston making a $3 billion profit, you need to understand you are being lied to.
For nearly two years, the simple act of drinking a glass of water has been fraught with danger in Flint, Michigan. After Flint changed its water source from treated… banned from facebook
Keep in mind, Dollarama isn't explicitly reminding people that shoplifting is illegal